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Phillip Uebele
   Advancement Chair
   Former Scoutmaster

I was a Cub Scout and am an Eagle Scout and have stayed active in scouts because I believe in the program.  Scouting teaches the youth so many real-life skills and gives them a safe place to be a part of.  My passion for the program has let me work with many young men, particularly as an adviser for different activities put on by the camps and Order of the Arrow. I have served as camp staff for 5 full summers, many day camps for cubs, Camporees, caravans, and fellowships.  I have been a Camp Master at Trask and currently work with other volunteers to provide programs for our youth.  Besides being an Eagle, I am a Vigil member of the Order of the Arrow and a Silver Beaver recipient. My hope is to help every scout to obtain their Eagle rank and will do everything in my power to make that happen.

Anthony Pa

I volunteered as an Assistant Scoutmaster when my son, Diego, joined in 2017.  As a former executive and military veteran, I have seen the positive impacts that the BSA has had on the lives of those who were fortunate enough to be a part of the program, and I wanted to be involved.  My goal as Troop 31 Scoutmaster is to continue that tradition of excellence and foster an environment where adolescent boys can safely gather and learn practical leadership skills.  In my former life, I served two tours of duty as a naval officer on USS Kitty Hawk and USS Arkansas.  After the military, I joined the semiconductor industry in Silicon Valley and in Shanghai, China where I lived for 12 years.  I now spend my spare time as a beekeeper and enjoying the outdoors with Diego (15), Abigail (10), and our “troop mascot”, Mika the German Shepard.

Cameron Izuno
   Assistant Scoutmaster

I am the father to two Boy Scouts, Jace and Cade. I first joined Scouting as a den leader when Jace was a Tiger in Cub Scouts. His younger brother Cade also joined Cub Scouts where I was his den leader as well. Shortly after Jace crossed over to Boy Scouts, I became Assistant Scoutmaster. When not busy with Scouting, I volunteer on the gala committee at the boys' grade school and with Little League, as a scorekeeper and assistant coach for Cade's junior baseball team. I also volunteer building sets for Jace's high school events. I work in architecture, specifically historic restoration and adaptive reuse. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my wife and two sons.

Scout-Led Positions

Senior Patrol Leader (SPL)

    Diego Pa

Assistant SPL

     Peter Ryan Baldoz


Patrol Leader (PL)

    Emiliano Villegas


Assitant Patrol Leader (APL)

    Aaron Izaguirre


Troop Chaplain

    Jace Capulong



Troop 31
Contact Information

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Call us:

     (626) 205-8434


Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary School  (Meet in Msgr. Crean Hall)

2640 E. Orange Grove Blvd.

Pasadena, CA 91107, USA

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@2020 by Troop 31, Website last updated September 20th 2023

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